Monday, February 7, 2011

First: test

New blog. Occasional thoughts.

I'll call it "the outliar" because other permutations were taken. I'll try not to lie, but maybe I will.

I'm starting this blog to be able to comment on my friend Tom's blog. Good enough reason?

I also started this to find a reason to write again. Looking through old journals (okay, diaries), I wasn't too bad of a writer. Then I went into computer networking, where your vocabulary was supposed to be small and clear. And seven years of math teaching followed. That wasn't necessarily bad for my ability to converse, but it was to a different audience. I wasn't speaking to me. Maybe now I will.

I play guitar and drums and like to sing. My band would love to play some original material. It's time for me to write those songs. But when I start, I'm way too formulaic about it, worried about getting something wrong. So I never get anything right, because I never get anything at all.

I need a creative outlet. Maybe this'll be it.

If you read anything I write, feel free to say hi. Don't creep me out and get too inquisitive, though, since this is primarily for me. Better to start your own blog. How sad that people have to communicate this way, instead of chatting in public places. Maybe people still do that but I stare at my burger instead.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the interwebs, as the kiddies call it. As you're legitimately one of the smartest people I know, I can't wait to read what you come up with.

    Huzzah! (Is that right?)
