Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My musical options

As my musical life is will be changing (with Eileen leaving the band at the end of the month), what could I possibly do next?

  1. Nothing. Give it up, keeping my drumming to hands on pantlegs and my singing to the shower.
  2. Nothing for now, but finish studying, get a job, and sort out another personal matter before attempting one or more below options.
  3. Try out for a musical. I thought about this idea while watching Andy Bernard in "The Office." I've acted before and I like to sing, so why not find a small playhouse that'll put on a musical?
  4. Drop TFA and play guitar on my own, finding open mikes, possibly writing a few more songs. This is basically what I did when I lived for Virginia, when not in the teacher bands (Big Daddy and the Slurpies, Gulp.) (I loved Gulp, by the way. Short but sweet.)
  5. Hit lots of karaoke bars. There are great songs I'll only be able to do in that medium. 
  6. Talk to Galen and see what he wants to get going.
  7. Talk to Brett and see if he's willing to get something going.
  8. Watch craigslist and bulletin boards at music stores, looking for an opening.
  9. Get together with Karen's friends, the ones that made up Agave, and get something going with them.
  10. Stay with Digger and do the two-guy thing.
  11. Start my own one-hit wonder band. (This is the "shoot for the moon" option.)
  12. Find a group of folk singers and join in.
  13. Write and record my own music.
  14. Stay in TFA as a four-piece.
  15. Stay in TFA as a five-piece, with a new female lead.
  16. Stay in TFA as a five-piece, with a new male keyboardist.
  17. Stay in TFA as a five-piece, with a new drummer and me on keys/guitar.
  18. Stay in TFA as a five-piece, with a female keyboardist who can sing.
There are others, I'm sure, but the last five are contingent on everyone else wanting to continue, and that is a shaky proposition at best. Digger would, no doubt. I'm pretty certain John would. It's all about Paulito, and man, I wish I knew to handle it with him.

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